In a devastating turn of events, actor Dolly Sohi, known for her roles in various television shows, including Jhanak, Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi, and Khoob Ladi Mardaani...Jhansi Ki Rani has passed away after a courageous battle with cervical cancer. Her sister, Amandeep Sohi, also an actor, tragically passed away just a day earlier after being diagnosed with jaundice. Sohi had been unwell for a month, fighting against the relentless disease.
Confirmation of Passing
Dolly's brother, Mannu Sohi, confirmed the heartbreaking news, stating that Dolly breathed her last around 4 a.m. on March 8. Both Dolly and Amandeep were admitted to Apollo Hospital in New Mumbai, with Amandeep passing away on March 7. Mannu expressed the family's devastation at losing both sisters within such a short span of time.
Mannu Sohi shared, "Dolly passed away around 4am this morning. Both, Dolly and Amandeep were admitted to Apollo Hospital in New Mumbai. Amandeep passed away yesterday and now Dolly. We are completely devastated."
Statement from the Family
The family issued a statement expressing their shock and grief over Dolly's untimely demise. They shared that Dolly's funeral will be held in the afternoon as they prepare to bid farewell to their beloved sister. The statement also conveyed gratitude for the outpouring of love and support from well-wishers during Dolly's challenging journey.
Courageous Fight Against Cancer
Last year, Dolly bravely shared a photo after a chemotherapy session, thanking everyone for their love and prayers. In her caption, she reflected on life's challenges, describing it as a roller coaster and emphasising the importance of choosing to be a survivor rather than a victim of the journey. Her resilience and strength in the face of adversity inspired many.
Legacy and Surviving Family
Dolly leaves behind a legacy of memorable performances and a loving family, including her teenage daughter, who now mourns the loss of her mother. Throughout her career, she endeared herself to audiences with her talent and dedication to her craft, leaving behind a void in the entertainment industry with her untimely departure.