
Friends Fans Can't Unnotice This "Annoying" Rachel Green Habit

This is one Rachel Green habit you will never ever be able to unhear. Thanks, Jennifer Aniston.

Tanvi Akhauri
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Rachel Green Feminist

Fans of 90s sitcom Friends have spotted an unusual Rachel Green habit (or rather a Jennifer Aniston habit) they just can't unsee. And so consistent and recurring and "annoying" is it throughout the show that the universally beloved Jen is apparently this close to "ruining" entire lives.


A TikTok user who goes by cts.trphe is the one to have caught the oddity and announced it, unfortunately, for the fandom. "If you are a big fan of that show, I'm begging you, scroll away, because I'm going to ruin your life," he disclaimed in his video. Evidently, no one scrolled, and now we're all stuck with something we'd rather not have known in the first place.

Guess we should have listened. It's impossible to un-hear it.

The Rachel Green Habit You Won't Be Able To Un-Hear. Ready?

"Jennifer Aniston has this sort of vocal tic that she does at the beginning of every single sentence that she starts, on any show that she's in," he says. "It's very specific and it's very hard to un-see once you notice it."

And the TikToker proceeds to add a montage of Aniston clearing her throat before what seems like every.single.dialogue.

It doesn't really seem like a character quirk so it's probably just an unmindful Aniston mannerism to prep before a line. Any line, it seems, since some fans pointed out she clears her throat a lot in interviews as well.


The TikTok video now has over 170,000 likes with thousands of people now privy to this Rachel Green habit. It's not a new observation, however, since this Aniston trait has been pointed out before by fans who evidenced their claims through ">video compilations.

Even so, it doesn't really make her any less likable. But what to do with the knowledge of this Rachel Green habit we're all now stuck with? The only thing to do now is to count the number of times Aniston does it on the March 2021 Friends reunion.

Views expressed are the author's own. 

friends 90s sitcom Jennifer Aniston friends fans Rachel green