
Anushka Shetty Diagnosed With Rare Laughing Disease: What It Means

Anushka Shetty, popular for her role in the blockbuster film series 'Baahubali' shared a deeply personal aspect of her life, revealing that she suffers from a rare neurological condition often referred to as the "laughing disease."

Ishika Thanvi
New Update
Anushka Shetty

Image: Saam TV

Anushka Shetty, popular for her role in the blockbuster film series 'Baahubali' shared a deeply personal aspect of her life, revealing that she suffers from a rare neurological condition often referred to as the "laughing disease." This revelation has captured her extensive fanbase's and broader public's attention and concern. The condition, known medically as pseudobulbar affect (PBA), is characterised by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of laughter or crying that are often incongruent with the individual's actual emotional state.


The Struggles of Living with PBA

In a heartfelt interview, Shetty detailed her experiences with this challenging condition. "I have a laughing disease," she revealed. "You might wonder, 'Is laughing a problem?' For me, it is. If I start laughing, I can't stop for 15 to 20 minutes." This issue has disrupted her professional life significantly. During the filming of comedy scenes, Shetty would often find herself unable to stop laughing, leading to delays and interruptions in the shoot. "While watching or shooting comedy scenes, I literally roll on the floor laughing, and the shoot has been halted many times," she explained.

The Personal Toll

Shetty's condition not only impacts her work but also her personal interactions. The episodes of laughter she experiences are not fleeting; they are intense and can last up to 20 minutes, leaving her physically and emotionally drained. This uncontrollable laughter can be both embarrassing and exhausting, making social situations particularly challenging.

Understanding Pseudobulbar Affect

Pseudobulbar affect is a neurological disorder marked by sudden, involuntary, and often inappropriate episodes of laughter or crying. These emotional outbursts are typically exaggerated and disconnected from the person's actual emotional experience.


Causes and Diagnosis

PBA is usually secondary to other neurological conditions. Several disorders can lead to the development of PBA, including:

  • Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Brain Stroke
  • Brain Tumors
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

The diagnosis of PBA involves a thorough medical history and neurological examination. Often, the condition is identified through the observation of symptoms and the exclusion of other potential causes for emotional outbursts.

The Impact on Daily Life

Living with pseudobulbar affect can profoundly impact a person's quality of life. The unpredictability of the episodes can make social interactions difficult, leading individuals to avoid situations where an episode might occur, thereby preventing embarrassment. For a public figure like Anushka Shetty, this condition is particularly challenging, as her career often places her in the spotlight, where any episode can become a public spectacle.


Raising Awareness

Anushka Shetty's openness about her condition has brought significant attention to pseudobulbar affect, highlighting the importance of understanding and empathy towards those who suffer from it. Her candid discussion not only raises awareness but also encourages others with similar conditions to seek help and support.

As the public becomes more informed about PBA, there is hope that this awareness will lead to better support systems and understanding for those affected by this rare neurological disorder. Anushka Shetty's bravery in sharing her story represents the importance of visibility and advocacy in addressing and managing health conditions that are often misunderstood or overlooked.

anushka shetty Pseudobulbar Affect neurological condition Laughing Disease