
World Day Against Cyber Censorship 2022: Here's All You Need To Know

World Day Against Cyber Censorship was started by NGO Reporters Without Borders which works towards ensuring media freedom.

Bhavya Saini
New Update
World Day Against Cyber Censorship
World Day Against Cyber Censorship is observed every year on March 12 in order to mark the importance of free speech over the Internet and protest against the cyber censorship. This campaign against cyber censorship was started by Reporters Without Borders along with Amnesty International in the year 2008 and the demand for a free internet has been continuing since then.

While Internet was a free space once where individuals were free to express their opinions without any restrictions, many Internet predators and governments around the world have imposed censorship over the Internet freedom. In 2008, NGO Reporters Without Borders, which works to ensure the freedom of media launched the International Day for Online Freedom of Expression or World Day Against Cyber Censorship in collaboration with Amnesty International. According to Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every individual had the right to express and freedom of opinion through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Why do we need World Day Against Cyber Censorship?

While cyber censorship can regulate the kind content being put up on the internet, it can also deprive people of their right of expression. According to Reporters Without Borders, the digital predators violate the right to freedom of expression and opinion under the Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They harass people on the internet, spread false information, censor useful information and use the internet for unfair means.

Thus World Day Against Cyber Censorship recognises the need of a free internet where people are free to express what they want to share without any strict and unsolicited restrictions.

Operation Collateral Freedom by Reporters Without Borders

Operation Collateral Freedom is a strategy used to ensure press freedom by circumventing censorship over news websites. As a part of this operation, the NGO has made 34 censored websites accessible among 18 countries using mirror technique.


How to observe the fight against cyber censorship?

The NGO holds a Netizen Award every year on March 12 to appreciate the internet user who has contributed significantly towards the campaign to ensure online freedom. It also updates and issues a list of Enemies of the Internet and Countries Under Surveillance every year on this day.

With greater expression, comes greater responsibility

As responsible users of the internet, it our duty to ensure that we maintain a safe and healthy environment in the online forum so that no individual feels violated or attacked. What one might put up on the internet can have huge impact and consequences over a large number of people since the internet connects people across countries and regions. The misuse and misconduct of the internet space should be monitored closely by the service providers without imposing over-the-top restrictions on their users to ensure safety as well as right to expression.

World Day Agaist Cyber Censorship International Day for Online Freedom of Expression