
People Are Branding Millennials Snowflakes For Starting Revolutions

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao
New Update
What do millennials want

Numerous people are branding millennials snowflakes, as they find their ability to outrage on anything and everything a bit annoying. Generation snowflake, is being called so for being fragile, sensitive and to have a ‘holier than thou’ attitude. It is true that the millennials tend to express their disagreement for everything in line of their sight, choosing to ignore the devils which suit their fancy. But they are leading movements like the #MeToo, and one to change gun control laws in the US. Maybe this generation of 'foofoos' will end up changing the world and save it from doom.


Those who are branding millennials as snowflakes, seem to be unwilling to change.

Snowflakes is a slang for anyone who is delicate, uptight, entitled, lazy or has an air of supremacy

But lately this term is being used in context of millennials and post-millennials who intend to usher in some changes in the world. Hence, people feel that their way of life is under threat. They have been blindsided by the wind of change, which now threatens every quality and notion which makes their lives easier or fun.

Thus, they are unwilling to change one iota of it, citing their rights and amendments. Just look at all the posts under #Snowflakes, and it becomes clear, that this irritation has escalated into the battle for and against current status quo. Many people are 'melting snowflakes’ by intimidating them. They are shouting cuss words and ganging up on the snowflakes.

Call them what you want, it isn’t in their genes to react to everything. It is the society they were born in. The outrage and anger of the millennials is simply the result of the world which is being handed over to them.

The collective behavioural pattern of every generation is the outcome of their social upbringing.


The world they are brought into is a decisive factor, in what kind of adults they will become.

So if the millennials appear to be irrationally resentful and always out to draw battlelines, then it is the fault of the preceding generations

Those who chose to keep quiet through years of gun violence. Or waved off issues like gender equality, gay rights and sexual harassment. They let the world burn down for barrels of oils and watched in muted silence when the so called third world countries were plundered for their natural resources.

Now when the world is just flick away from a nuclear war, which might be the end for all of us, the next generation feels overwhelmed by the world which is being handed down to them. The worst part is, they are expected to accept it as it is. Women are to tolerate roving hands, and kids are to welcome bullets and butchering in schools with open arms. Global warming, increasing levels of pollutions, extremism, are all unwanted gifts from the past to the present and future.

I do agree that the outrage over every little issue becomes tiring sometimes. It becomes a headache to keep correcting the course of self-conduct, just to make sure it does not offend anyone. Especially in times when there is outrage over everything, from what you eat to what you wear and even the popular sitcom Friends.

But then we might as well be confusing bigots and rebels. We need to separate the two, learning to filter out noise and listen to what actually is important. The world will become a better place if we learn to listen and empathise, rather than clamp our ears and call each other names.


Picture Source: Pulse Learning

Also Read:Millennials On What Living Away From Families Taught Them

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao is a writer with the SheThePeople team, in the Opinions section.  The views expressed are the author’s own

millennials gun control #Snowflakes