Our fathers are no less than superheroes of our lives. They are like a shield, and sometimes shelter so that when our little steps wander into the real world, we stay protected. They have seen more suns and moons than us and they make sure we don’t face any of what they did. We don’t usually credit our fathers enough, so on this Father's Day let’s celebrate all the things we learn from them.
Compassion and care
From the time we are born as much as we are dependent on our mothers, our fathers make sure to fulfill all our needs. When we grow up, they make sure that if the Parent Teachers Meet doesn’t go well, we don’t feel dejected. They make sure when our mom scolds us for the unclean kitchen shelf; it gets quietly wiped while we sit engrossed in our phones. As we grow older they rush with us to colleges, standing in line, getting forms and talking to people as you nervously look around the new college. They tell us to be careful of strangers, to stay strong and be vocal about our opinions.
As we grow older they rush with us to colleges, standing in line, getting forms and talking to people as you nervously look around the new college. They tell us to be careful of strangers, to stay strong and be vocal about our opinions.
Hard work is the only short-cut
No one has good professional ethics as our fathers. Every morning in his blue shirt and tie, with breakfast in one hand, and phone in another you are reminded of the hustle he has chosen so that you can choose yours. You can catch them saying that there is no short-cut to success. Every time you don’t score well, he tells you to work harder and not be afraid of failure. Every time you wish you were better than your classmate, he tells you that the only competition you have is with yourself. He encourages you to outdo yourself in every exam and when you do, he won’t show it or say much; he will just get you a glass of water and ask you to eat something.
Every time you’d get anxious thinking you don’t have time left, he’ll tell you it is never too late to start. He has in store the most apt proverbs, as he recites them every now and then and tells you to remember them for future.
Every time you’d get anxious thinking you don’t have time left, he’ll tell you it is never too late to start. He has in store the most apt proverbs, as he recites them every now and then and tells you to remember them for future. On days when you wonder if you’ll ever be successful as him, he tells you that he wants you to be bigger and do what you feel is right. He is the ultimate friend and the most reliable mentor you can ever find.
Read Also : 5 Reasons Why Children Need Feminist Fathers
Save a lot, but don’t regret when you splurge
Fathers know money best. They will never let you know when there is shortage and you’ll still get your favourite heels. When you are young it feels like magic. You keep asking for things and they keep coming. But as you grow up you quietly see him cutting down his needs and fulfilling all your wants. You realise it is not magic after all and that everything comes at a cost. When you first start earning and end up spending all of it before the month ends, you realise it never was magic. He tells you to save as much as you can and splurge only if you think it’s going to be worth it. That is when you realise that the happiness you so want to have should also have some worth to it.
Stay kind no matter what
It is easy to feel pain and hurt others to deal with the pain. It is easy to get bitter when your friend doesn’t reciprocate your efforts. But fathers have never been about choosing the easy way. They always tell you that the more wrong you see, the more you learn what is the right thing to do. Don’t become like others. Stick to your morals, remain honest and keep growing. No matter if your friends disappoint you, you should never do the same. No matter if your boss doesn’t appreciate your work, don’t stop giving your hundred percent. The importance of honesty and kindness is what we learn from our fathers.
Here’s to the fathers, our silent heroes.
A Happy Father's Day!
Read Also : Fathers In Fiction We All Wish We Had
Snigdha Gupta is an intern with SheThePeople.Tv