
How Mumbai's 80-Year-Old Chetna Pandya Unleashes Imagination With Art & Poetry

Chetna Pandya, a Mumbai based self-taught artist and poet shared how her passions have shaped her life, offering a window into her world of creativity, self-expression, and healing. 

Tanya Savkoor
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chetna pandya

Chetna Pandya

A vibrant soul with an imagination that knows no bounds, Chetna Pandya channels her thoughts into captivating creative manifestations. She can turn a blank canvas into a wedding of colours and bring a piece of paper to life with evocative poetry. Art and the written word have been her trusted companions through some of the most difficult moments of her life, allowing her to express her innermost reflections.


Pandya, now in her 80s, embraces creativity as a lifelong journey. In an interview with SheThePeople, the self-taught artist and poet shared how her passions have shaped her life, offering a window into her world of creativity, self-expression, and healing. 

Growing Passion For Art

Gujarat-born Chetna Pandya grew up in Mumbai with an early passion for art. Although her school teachers didn’t fully appreciate her talent, she never allowed criticism to dim her spark. She pursued art at the Sir J. J. School of Art till the intermediate level.

chetna pandya

Pandya earned a degree in commerce and went to the USA in 1966 after her marriage. She continued her education at the New York School of Business and started her career as a part-time bookkeeper and market researcher. She had her daughter in 1978.

Pandya got a divorce in 1980. Amid her numerous commitments, she was unable to pursue art. “I never touched any painting material in the USA, where things were available so fast. I just never got to paint there because I was so busy. I had two jobs. I used to work day and night.” 


Pandya moved back and forth between India and the USA, during which she put a pause on her passion due to mounting responsibilities. She and her daughter settled in Mumbai for good in 2005. As a homemaker, she decided to use her leisure time to rekindle her passion.

When I came back, I did not have anything as such to do. So, one day when my daughter had gone to work, I went and bought a canvas, did a painting, and put it on the shelf. When my daughter came back, she said, ‘Wow mom, who made that? It's lovely’ That's what reignited the spark - that my daughter appreciated it. She told me to start painting again."

Her daughter’s encouragement unleashed a flood of inspiration which continues to drive her even today. In 2019, Pandya had a brain stroke, which left her partially paralysed. Now, as she is recovering, the artist is reconnecting with her creativity through poetry.

chetna pandya
A poem about Chetna Pandya's creative outlets

Inspirations Galore

From music and films to quotes and nature, Pandya takes inspiration from all around her. She creates a confluence of expressions as her paintings inspire her poetry and vice versa. She discovers the mesmerising versatility in any medium, be it paint or sand.


Sand art by Chetana Pandya: 

All of Pandya’s art was learnt independently, through a journey of self-exploration and perseverance. “I never [professionally] learnt art. It was all trial and error. I feel like all things should be done like this. If you don’t succeed at first, it’s fine. Keep trying.”

Pandya expressed, “My paintings are always through my imagination. If I see lightning at 2 a.m. and feel like I can paint something out of it, I just get up and do it.” She strongly believes that art has no rules and serves as an authentic reflection of thoughts.

“I love using my fingers as brushes, delving into the paint, and just doing whatever I want on the canvas. That’s something I always tell people, ‘Do what you want, don't worry what other people are going to say.’ You can't please everybody in life. You have to like what you're doing. That's most important.”

Pandya asserted that casting aside self-criticism and ignoring negative comments is fundamental to every artist’s growth. “People might not get your art sometimes. They'll say, 'What the hell is this?' But I always say, interpret your art the way you want to.”


Sharing some more poignant words of wisdom for budding artists, Pandya expressed, “Go ahead and pursue your dreams. Freely express your imagination and please do not ever give up in life. Continue learning and do your work, you will eventually reach success.”

Mumbai Women artists artist poet artists Poetry artist interview Chetna Pandya