
Is There A Best Time To Have Sex? Here's What You Should Know

Due to different timings of men and women's libido spiking up, it usually becomes a bit difficult for opposite-sex couples to engage in fully satisfying sex lives.

Sugandha Bora
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Best Time For Sex: Here's everything to know about the relation between timing and libido as well as the best and worst time to engage in sex.

Sex is an intimate activity which should be comfortable and pleasurable for both the partners. However, our sex lives have been negatively impacted by the kind of fast-paced and dynamic lifestyle all of us are currently leading. A flat sex life, in turn, leads to a number of complications in a relationship, such as emotional, physical and compatibility issues.

Hence, it becomes important for sexually active couples not to overlook such problems and effectively deal with these problems right away. Furthermore, one solution which could help partners to cut the Gordian knot in their sex lives is to work on the timing of the sex.

Here are a few things to know about how timing impacts one's sexual libido:

By all accounts, scientists and psychologists have unearthed evidences supporting the claim that timing does have a role to play when it comes to sexual desire. There are many couples who get intimate after nine at night, the time when most of us usually become free from our work. However, there's a bad new for those couples.

A study conducted by Frontiers in Psychology found the following results:

  • Most of the couples in the United Kingdom had sex between 9 pm and 1 am.
  • The percentage of people who reported having satisfying sex was less than 40 per cent.
  • Although most of them treated night-time sex as a regular chore, it was not satisfying for them.
  • Women feel the most sexual desire in the evening, while men are most aroused in the morning.

Although the last point might be a good news for the same-sex couples, it does pose a problem for the couples of opposite sex. Due to our hectic work schedules, it is hardly feasible to schedule sex at the time when our sexual desires are at peak. This incompatibility is further compounded by men and women's different timings of their libido spiking up.

Sex at night: a good routine?

For many, having sex right before hitting the bed is something to look forward to because it helps to de-stress themselves from a busy day at work. Although it is fine to indulge in some action before bed at times, it is not advisable to make it a routine.

Furthermore, it might not be the best time to have regular sex at night because our body gets the much needed rest from the day and prepares itself for the next day at that time. Hence, it is not thought of as the best time for an activity like sex which requires high energy and efforts from both the sides.

The sex clock of our body decides when our hormones are at their optimum levels, and hence our libidos shot up. Nighttime is usually not the right time because our body is low on energy and needs rest to rejuvenate. That is why it is likely a better decision to keep the night for our body to rest and revitalise from the day-long exhaustion.

Nonetheless, there are many reports which suggest that sex at night does make one feel better and also helps in sleep, but it is not a good idea to make it a routine and regularly push the body to the brink of sheer exhaustion. Furthermore, this would likely lead to unsatisfying results if continued as a habit. So, as per the studies, sex between 9pm to 12 midnight should not be an ideal habit for couples.


What is the best time to have sex then?

Satisfying sex is a necessity. Although the aforementioned sources may have pointed toward a dilemma for couples, while the double for the opposite-sex couples, it is quite easy to deal with it if there's some planning and understanding between the partners.

Dr. Michael Breus, the author of The Power of When, has agreed that morning sex could be the best option for opposite-sex couples who have different libido timings. He says, "Sleeping together after you’re done—actually sleeping— could make for better quality sex. While you’re resting at night, your body is at work building up hormones, and you’ll also wake up with more energy and creativity for satisfying sex."

How to work on your sex timing with your partner

Although we understand that sex in the morning is not viable for many working couples having right-from-the-morning busy and/or mismatched schedules, one can still make an effort to try working out the timing with their partner.

Lisa Thomas, a relationship and sex therapist, recommended couples to be more flexible, spontaneous and creative with their sex schedule. "Try meeting at home for some mid-afternoon frisky time, or get busy when you’d normally be watching Netflix. Any way couples can figure out how to make it fun and be in connection is great. Couples that use sex to unwind and connect and reduce stress and tension are the ones who have sex over their lifetime," she further added.


With a bit of understanding, enthusiasm and efforts, one can achieve great and satisfying sex with their partner. Just because morning sex is deemed the best time for sex doesn't mean that a couple should make it their routine by compromising other important things in their lives. The point is to maintain a balance between work and leisure, to have understanding and compatibility with your partner and be rationally and equally responsive to each other's needs.


Feature Image Credits: SolStock


sexual health Libido sex life Best time to have sex