
How Hindi Films Put A Spotlight On Female Pleasure In 2023

In a country where sexual education remains a largely untouched subject, it's fascinating to see Indian entertainment industry gradually taking the lead to dismantle taboo. As we approach the year's end, let's look at how portrayal of intimacy has evolved.

Priya Prakash
Updated On
New Update
Credit: Lust Stories 2

School taught us simple compound interest, and we became maths maestros, solving financial puzzles with ease. But what about the real-life stuff? Handling money, making budgets, saving, investing—these things are still like hidden treasures we never uncover in the classroom. Now, let's shift gears to a rather 'sensitive' topic: sexual education. All we got was the reproductive biology chapter, but they didn't explain or teach us how sexual function works in both men and women, including the stages of arousal, the role of emotions, and the variation in sexual response among individuals.


Presently, at an age where both understanding money and understanding sexuality are important, I think teaching these things isn't just a bonus, it's like giving a person the keys to a healthier future. Learning about money and bodies early on helps make better choices later in life, for both wallets and well-being.

In a country where sexual education remains a largely untouched subject in the Indian education system, it's fascinating to observe how the Indian entertainment industry is gradually taking the lead. One step at a time, it's dismantling the stigma surrounding sex, debunking myths, addressing emotional and psychological aspects, and demystifying the very fundamentals of human intimacy. 

While there's still a long journey ahead, it's heartening to see the industry embracing its responsibility. Film by film fosters awareness and shatters societal taboos, with each cinematic venture delving deeper into these essential topics.

The Work 

When I think about recent conversations, Lust Stories 2 stands out. Its first segment, Made for Each Other ignited an important discussion about how a fulfilling sexual life plays a key role in a long and happy marriage. It consistently emphasised the significance of women experiencing pleasure.


The second segment, The Mirror, took a unique perspective on lust by considering factors like social class and marital status. Most importantly, it boldly acknowledged that sexual pleasure is a fundamental need for individuals, regardless of their gender, social class, marital status, or age.

The Aim

Konkana Sensharma, the director of the latter part, spoke with SheThePeople and emphasised that the film was far from being an erotic drama. Instead, its sole purpose was to help viewers grasp and appreciate female desires. She explained, "Our aim was never to incite lust or provide titillation to the audience. We simply wanted to guide them through the experiences of desire to understand what these two characters were undergoing." Read the full interview here.

What's even more interesting is that Lust Stories isn't a standalone effort; it's a sequel. The stories that came before it were equally groundbreaking, challenging societal norms and sparking essential conversations about sexual awareness and empowerment.

Months after Lust Stories 2, OMG 2  (2023) emphasised the importance of sex education in schools. Though it didn't delve into women's sexual relationships, it's a noteworthy step, as we appreciate the entertainment industry's efforts.

The Result


Then there was Chhatriwali (2023) which aimed to raise awareness about safe sex. While the film didn't garner a large audience, those who watched it were deeply moved. Talking about the results, in a conversation with SheThePeople, Rakul Preet Singh, the actor from Chhatriwali, shared how several viewers reached out to her personally to express their gratitude for addressing such important topics. The actor shared how one woman even mentioned that the film had given her the courage to initiate a much-needed conversation with her husband, a conversation she had initially hesitated to start. 

Most Recent

Interestingly, the next film that comes to mind is Satya Prem Ki Katha (2023). The film stands out among the films released in 2023 for addressing the post-marriage challenges faced by a survivor of sexual abuse. The film's remarkable element revolves around the couple's journey in redefining intimacy on Katha's terms. Notably, when her family discovers the truth, they offer unwavering support, a departure from the usual portrayal of families feeling ashamed or embarrassed in such situations.

Thank You for Coming addressed topics like women's satisfaction in an intimate relationship. In India, discussing sex remains taboo, yet addressing the significant pleasure gap is another challenging aspect. Karan Boolani's direction in this film adeptly portrays a woman who confidently knows her desires without feeling the need to apologise for them. 


As the year comes to a close in 2023, on-screen portrayals of intimacy have significantly evolved. Now, we're engaging in an open dialogue about what constitutes successful intimacy, especially for women.

The Indian entertainment industry is making remarkable strides, and as more and more movies champion these subjects with a purpose, they're contributing to a more enlightened, informed, and open-minded future for all.

Views expressed by the author are their own


Female Pleasure Female Desire Films On Desire