
Move Over Bad Pick-Up Lines, Here Are 5 Conversation Starters For Your First Date

First dates can be nervewracking, especially when it comes to keep the conversation flowing. Fear not, fellow daters! Here are 5 conversation starters guaranteed to spark a connection and banish those awkward silences.

Pavi Vyas
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First date jitters? No matter how many dates or no dates we have all been to, it's always nerve-wracking especially when the other person is attractive, charming and an extrovert! While it is unnecessary to take the burden of ice-breakers all on oneself, it wouldn't hurt to go a little prepared just in case, would it? 


Conversation starters are misunderstood as a person's 'first impression' but it can be tough to cut through the awkward silences and nervous laughter on the first meets. Showcasing personal interest in others and bringing engaging topics come naturally if initiated with intriguing topics to make a date unforgettable (at least not boring if not a hit!). 

5 Conversation Starters For First Dates

It is always good to experience a personal connection on your dates, but it is a bi-way road, while concentrating on ice-breakers and conversation-starters your first date pro tip is not forgetting to share details about oneself too as self-disclosure is the key to making a person more comfortable opening up. This can be done simply by sharing and asking the right questions. And here we are who have got your back! You can ask these questions on your dates to make it a hit one:

1. Compliments Never Goes Wrong

Complimenting them genuinely can never go wrong, and also sets mood afresh. Many of us feel "seen" when someone notices the effort we put in to dress up even if it is the most casual thing we have put on ourselves. And it is even a hit if you act curious to know more about their thoughts behind the fit or a basic "where have you got this from, it's good." This can not just start an interesting conversation on styling and fashion, but you will also be perceived as an observant being.

2. Bring up the past carefully: "The Most Ridiculous Pick-Up Line You Received?":


We all have the pressure of carrying some good pick-up lines on dates, and let's be honest, not all are good at it! While pick-up lines come naturally, forced pick-up lines are often off-putting. I would personally rather prefer a person confessing and not forcibly pushing some lines for the sake of conversation. The best way rather could be to divert the conversation into some funny remembrance from the past that can not only tickle funny bones but would also be your heads up!


3. A Personal Touch: "How Are Your Family/Friends?":

The best way to get to know a person is to know about the people they are surrounded with. Speaks volumes about their personality and gives reasonings to many of the behaviours. While I would personally love to be asked about things beyond centring just me as I am a mix of every person I have met. And asking about my favourite people? It's a delight to know that a person wants to get involved in my life and embrace me as well as my people as well, or maybe just want to understand me better. 

4. Dreams and Ambitions: "What Drives You To Keep Going In Life?":

This may sound like a 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' kind of a job interviewer question, but it is actually not. We all might not necessarily know what we want or would be where we wish to be, but thought-provoking questions are not necessarily a doorway to discomfort. Listening to a person's passions and looking at their sparkling eyes is not just a delight, but discussions about passion can not only open a doorway to many other topics of conversation but also give you insights into a person's self-perception and check whether their zest for life is compatible with yours. 


5. Wild and Crazy: "What Is The Most Spontaneous Thing You've Ever Done?":

Not just to know whether your date is a "planner" or a "go-with-the-flow" person to check your compatibility, it is important to check on your crazy side as well. On first meets people usually try to bring out their best for the first impression, but to know each other better one must ask the right questions to not just make the conversation fun and quirky, but also bring out the crazy side of the person usually hidden on first meets to make them comfortable with you. From impromptu road trips with friends to applying for a degree or course on a random late night, spontaneous acts tell a lot about a person. 

Remember the key to having a good date conversation is to express a genuine interest in your date's response and ask follow-up questions to showcase your willingness to have a genuine conversation. Using these conversation starters as springboards to break the ice of the nervousness and awkwardness between the two might surely lead to an engaging first date. Thank me later!

Views expressed by the author are their own

first date tips conversation starters ice breakers