
What's The Relation Between Blood Sugar And Protein?

India's rapid urbanization and economic development have contributed to the rise in diabetes. Urban residents are more prone to the disease due to increased stress, obesity, and a high-calorie diet rich in fats and sugars

STP Reporter
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Image from Getty | AndreyPopov

The role protein plays in regulating blood sugar levels is undeniable. The gist is, our body has the capacity to convert protein into glucose - a process that is more pronounced if your meals are deficient in carbohydrates. Now, this doesn't necessarily translate to skyrocketing glucose levels in the bloodstream. That's where the fine line gets drawn and that's why incorporating the right quantities and types of protein into your dietary regimen is crucial. 


According to Diabetes UK, protein is one of the three main energy providing macronutrients, along with carbohydrate and fat. It helps the body to grow new tissue, therefore helping to build muscle and repair damage to the body.

By doing so, you help moderate fluctuations in blood glucose, ensuring a steadier supply of energy. This, in turn, wards off sudden sugar spikes and crashes, contributing to a healthier you. Such effects of protein on blood glucose levels don't occur immediately though. Instead, they make their presence felt over a span of a few hours to several hours post-meal. 

Interestingly, when we talk about people with type 2 diabetes specifically, the reality is that protein is just as effective as glucose in stimulating insulin secretion. In fact, one study tested out a high-protein dietary plan spanning five weeks among people with type 2 diabetes. They hypothesized - and found - that a higher intake of protein led to lower plasma glucose concentrations. 

Protein can be broken down into glucose by the body and the effects are more likely to be noticed if you are having meals with less carbohydrate. Fitness and Nutrition Expert, Rohit Shelatkar reveals to why proteins are essential for diabetics

  •  Protein helps to regulate blood sugar levels and can also help to reduce calorie intake

  • When consumed in the right amount, protein can help to balance blood sugar levels. It prevents spikes after meals

  • Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass

To sum up, protein plays a strategic role in maintaining a stable blood sugar environment. Just remember to strike the right balance and tailor your protein intake based on individual health conditions and dietary needs.


 India is the world's diabetes capital

India's rapid urbanization and economic development have contributed to the rise in diabetes. Urban residents are more prone to the disease due to increased stress, obesity, and a high-calorie diet rich in fats and sugars. The rural population is not immune either, with increasing cases due to changing dietary habits and reduced physical activity.

Management and prevention of diabetes in India is a complex issue that requires a multi-pronged approach. It involves promoting healthier lifestyles, improving access to early detection and treatment, and educating the public about the disease.

Those who are engaged in prevention of diabetes, and ensuring their blood sugar levels don't rise, are opting for satiating foods that help them avoid poor quality snacking and keeps their tummy full.

Unfortunately, many people in India are unaware they have diabetes until complications arise, highlighting the need for increased awareness and regular screenings.

protein Women And Diabetes blood sugar